Vol. 15 No. 1 (2014): Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Megasains Vol.15 No.1 Tahun 2024
Available in print/offline form
The Megasains Journal was dedicated by the Bukit Kototabang Global Atmosphere Watch Station as a means of publishing scientific works originating from research activities based on meteorology, climatology, air quality and geophysics (MKKuG), and environmental sciences. This journal is published twice a year to provide opportunities for talented writers to contribute.
Starting from Volume 10 No. 1 in 2019 we have implemented an online journal system that makes it easier for authors to send their manuscripts, then monitor the progress of the review until they receive notification that it has been accepted or needs to be corrected. From the editorial side and Mitra Bestari as the review team can provide notifications about the entire manuscript acceptance process until it is published.
Finally, I hope this journal can provide benefits to the general public as part of our joint efforts to make the nation smarter. We would like to thank the authors, rewiewers and editorial team who have worked hard for the publication of Megasains Volume 15 No. 1 in 2024.