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Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): Megasains Vol.15 No.1 Tahun 2024
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The Megasains Journal was dedicated by the Bukit Kototabang Global Atmosphere Watch Station as a means of publishing scientific works originating from research activities based on meteorology, climatology, air quality and geophysics (MKKuG), and environmental sciences. This journal is published twice a year to provide opportunities for talented writers to contribute.
Starting from Volume 10 No. 1 in 2019 we have implemented an online journal system that makes it easier for authors to send their manuscripts, then monitor the progress of the review until they receive notification that it has been accepted or needs to be corrected. From the editorial side and Mitra Bestari as the review team can provide notifications about the entire manuscript acceptance process until it is published.
Finally, I hope this journal can provide benefits to the general public as part of our joint efforts to make the nation smarter. We would like to thank the authors, rewiewers and editorial team who have worked hard for the publication of Megasains Volume 15 No. 1 in 2024.

Megasains Vol.13 No.1 Tahun 2022
Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Megasains Vol.13 No.01 Tahun 2022

Vol 10 No 2 (2019)
Tersedia dalam bentuk cetakan/offline
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke Hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena dengan ijin-Nya jualah Jurnal Megasains Volume 10 No 2 tahun 2019 ini dapat terbit sebagaimana yang diharapkan.
Jurnal Megasains didedikasikan oleh Stasiun Pemantau Atmosfer Global (Global Atmosphere Watch) Bukit Kototabang sebagai sarana penerbitan karya ilmiah yang bersumber dari kegiatan penelitian berbasis ilmu-ilmu Meteorologi,Klimatologi, Kualitas udara dan Geofisika (MKKuG), serta lingkungan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setahun dua kali guna memberikan kesempatan bagi penulis-penulis
berbakat untuk berkontribusi.
Mulai Volume 10 No 1 tahun 2019 kami sudah menerapkan sistem jurnal online yang memudahkan para penulis untuk mengirim naskahnya, kemudian memantau progres review hingga kemudian mendapat notifikasi diterima atau harus diperbaiki. Dari sisi Redaksi dan Mitra Bestari selaku tim review dapat memberi notifikasi semua proses penerimaan naskah hingga kemudian terbit.
Akhir kata, semoga jurnal ini dapat memberikan manfaat kepada khalayak ramai dalam bagian usaha bersama untuk mencerdaskan bangsa. Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada para penulis. Tim Mitra Bestari dan Tim Redaksi yang telah bekerja keras demi terbitnya Volume 10 No 2 tahun 2019 ini.

Vol 10 No 1 (2019)
Tersedia dalam bentuk cetakan/offline
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena dengan izin-Nya Jurnal Megasains Volume 10 No 1 tahun 2019 ini dapat terbit sebagaimana yang diharapkan.
Jurnal Megasains didedikasikan oleh Stasiun Pemantau Atmosfer Global (Global Atmosphere Watch) Bukit Kototabang sebagai sarana penerbitan karya ilmiah yang bersumber dari kegiatan penelitian berbasis ilmu-ilmu meteorologi, klimatologi, kualitas udara dan geofisika (MKKuG), serta lingkungan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan setahun dua kali guna memberikan kesempatan bagi penulis-penulis berbakat untuk berkontribusi.
Mulai Volume 10 No 1 tahun 2019 kami sudah menerapkan sistem online jurnal yang memudahkan para penulis untuk mengirim naskahnya, kemudian memantau progres review hingga mendapat notifikasi diterima atau harus diperbaiki. Dari sisi redaksi dan Mitra Bestari selaku tim review dapat memberi notifikasi semua proses penerimaan naskah hingga kemudian terbit.
Akhir kata, semoga jurnal ini dapat memberikan manfaat kepada khalayak ramai dalam bagian usaha bersama untuk mencerdaskan bangsa. Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada para penulis, mitra bestari dan tim redaksi yang telah bekerja keras demi terbitnya Megasains Volume 10 No 1 tahun 2019 ini.

Vol 9 No 1 (2018)
We offer praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang Data once again published the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Station staff Kototabang in its support for the continuity of Bulletin publication MEGASAINS, the Editorial Board certainly really hopes that this KTI can encourage this creating improvements in MKKuG services in the future. Beside
Therefore, the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles is also expected will support increasing knowledge and performance within carry out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and the same goes for Bulletin publications MEGASAINS is still far from perfect. Therefore, Council The editorial team really hopes for constructive suggestions and input revised publication at a later date.
Finally, we wish you a happy reading and hope it is useful.

Vol 8 No 1 (2017)
We offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because, thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmosphere Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang data has once again published the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
In its publication, which has entered its 8th Volume in 2017, MEGASAINS Bulletin appears with a new face and presentation design. By making changes to the serving layout design, it is hoped that it will bring a different color from the previous edition. Changes to the layout were also introduced by utilizing a two-column display on each page.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Kototabang Station staff in their support for the continued publication of the MEGASAINS Bulletin, the Editorial Board certainly hopes that this KTI can encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future. Apart from that, it is hoped that the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles will support increased knowledge and performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and so does this MEGASAINS Bulletin publication which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the Editorial Board really hopes for suggestions and constructive input to improve its publications in the future.

Vol 7 No 3 (2016)
We offer praise and gratitude to the presence of Almighty God Esa because of His grace and guidance, Monitoring Station Global Atmosphere (GAW) Bukit Kototabang data has been published again MEGASAINS Newsletter.
In its publication which has entered its 7th volume in 2016, MEGASAINS Bulletin appeared with a face and serving design new. By making changes to the serving layout design is expected to bring different colors than the edition version previously. Serving system changes were also introduced with utilizes a two-column display on each page. Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Station staff Bukit Kototabang in its support for sustainability publication of the MEGASAINS Bulletin, the Editorial Board is of course very hopes that this KTI can encourage the creation of improved services MKKuG in the future. Besides that, emergence awareness in carrying out research principles is also expected supports the increase in knowledge and performance within carry out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and the same goes for publications This MEGASAINS bulletin is still far from perfect. By Therefore, the Editorial Board really hopes for suggestions and constructive input to improve future publications day.

Vol 7 No 2 (2016)
We offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang data has again published the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
In its publication, which has entered its 7th Volume in 2016, the MEGASAINS Bulletin appears with a new face and presentation design. By making changes to the design of the serving layout, it is hoped that it will bring a different color from the previous edition. Changes to the presentation layout were also introduced by utilizing a two-column display on each page.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Kototabang Station staff in their support for the continued publication of the MEGASAINS Bulletin, the Editorial Board certainly hopes that this KTI can encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future. In addition, the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles is also expected to support increased knowledge and performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and the same goes for this issue of the MEGASAINS Bulletin which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the Editorial Board really hopes for suggestions and constructive input to improve its publications in the future.

Vol 7 No 1 (2016)
We offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang data has again published the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
In its publication, which has entered its 7th Volume in 2016, the MEGASAINS Bulletin appears with a new face and presentation design. Starting with this edition, the MEGASAINS Bulletin uses a logo in the form of a circle with a combination of green, white and blue gradations, and is equipped with a blue shadow. This logo reflects the MEGASAINS Bulletin study which focuses on Scientific Writing (KTI) in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality and Geophysics (MKKuG), as well as the environment. Changes to the layout have also been introduced by utilizing a two-column display on each page.
For this edition, six KTIs from various scientific disciplines are presented. In the field of meteorology/atmospheric physics, radiation measurements in the 2015 period at Kototabang Hill are reviewed in more depth. In the field of climatology, the concept of probability is used for dry land in Lombok by referring to intervals and rainfall. In other KTI, the frequency of rainfall from six different locations in Indonesia was also analyzed to determine the normal seasons in Indonesia. In the field of air quality, the WRFChem model is applied to determine air quality in West Sumatra. In the field of geophysics, analysis of the seismic gap on the Sumatran Fault. In the environmental sector, landslide incidents in South Aceh were studied using Landsat 5 satellite imagery.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Kototabang Station staff in their support for the continued publication of the MEGASAINS Bulletin, the Editorial Board certainly hopes that this KTI can encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future. In addition, the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles is also expected to support increased knowledge and performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and the same goes for this issue of the MEGASAINS Bulletin which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the Editorial Board really hopes for suggestions and constructive input to improve its publications in the future.

Vol 6 No 3 (2015)
We offer praise and gratitude to Allah SWT because thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang can again publish the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
Entering its sixth year of publication, MEGASAINS continues to improve itself. These improvements are not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of content which is expected to further enrich readers' knowledge in the fields of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality, Geophysics and the Environment. In this edition, MEGASAINS again publishes six papers representing the fields studied by this bulletin.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Kototabang Station staff in their support for the continuity of MEGASAINS publication, the Editors certainly hope that the results of this research can encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future. Apart from that, it is hoped that the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles will support increased knowledge and performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and the same goes for this MEGASAINS publication which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the Editors really hope for constructive suggestions and input for the perfection of MEGASAINS in the future.

Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
We offer praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for his blessings and grace His guidance, Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang can re-publish the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
Entering its sixth year of publication, MEGASAINS continues to do so improve yourself. The improvements are not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of content which is expected to further enrich readers' knowledge in the field Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality, Geophysics and Environment. In ed This time, MEGASAINS has again published six representative papers the field that this bulletin is studying.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Station staff Kototabang in its support for the sustainability of publishing MEGASAINS, the Editors certainly really hope that the results of this research can be achieved encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future come. Besides that, awareness arises in implementing the rules research, it is hoped that it will support increasing knowledge as well performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and so does this MEGASAINS publication which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the editorial team is very hopeful constructive suggestions and input for the perfection of MEGASAINS in later.

Vol 4 No 3 (2013)
We offer praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for his blessings and grace His guidance, Global Atmospheric Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang can re-publish the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
Entering its third year of publication, MEGASAINS continues to improve self. The improvements are not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of content It is hoped that it will further enrich readers' knowledge in the field of Meteorology, Climatology, Air Quality, Geophysics, and Environment. In this edition, MEGASAINS has again published six papers representing this field is the study of this bulletin.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Station staff Kototabang in its support for the sustainability of publishing MEGASAINS, the Editors certainly really hope that the results of this research can be achieved encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future come. Besides that, awareness arises in implementing the rules research, it is hoped that it will support increasing knowledge as well performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and so does this MEGASAINS publication which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the editorial team is very hopeful constructive suggestions and input for the perfection of MEGASAINS in later.